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·Forbidden City: the largest palace in the world  ·The world of finance: Shenyang financial Museum, Liaoning  ·Altay prairie Tuolehaite  ·Bashang Prairie  ·Chinese revolution resort: Zunyi of Guizhou  ·Jiuzhaigou scenery  ·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art  ·Many splendours of minority costumes: Hmong Fashion Arts  ·Fenghuang, an ancient town in Hunan province  ·Watery region Shaoxing: well-known historical and cultural city  ·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world  ·Clouds of Meng Mountains  ·The memory of winter  ·Hexi Zoulang, Gansu  ·First House Chinese Taoism: Yingtan Si Han Tianshi House, Jiangxi Province  
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